It’s been a busy couple of weeks. I started radiation yesterday. Only 32 times to go… I am a little concerned because I’ve already had pain after only one session (in the supraclavicular lymph nodes area). I will only be doing 25 sessions to these lymph nodes because they “tend to get sensitive”, but I didn’t expect them to be sensitive already, and am worried about what 24 more times will do. Otherwise, it was uneventful, quick, pain free, and I got to listen to FNM during the session!
I tried to cram in a lot of stuff between chemo and radiation. I saw my grandma for the first time since my diagnosis. At first, I just couldn’t cope with both the diagnosis and seeing her because she has dementia, but then I had surgery and recovery, it was just difficult to travel, and I had to keep my contact with people to a minimum.
I was afraid that it would scare her if I was bald, so I wore a wig.
But also, wigs are hot and uncomfortable, so…
Patton had his last day of school, and, like most teenagers, refused to cooperate for pics.
I have slowly been able to get back to exercising, which has felt really good, in spite of being forced to acknowledge how much strength, flexibility, and stamina I have lost. I’ve done workouts at home, and Brant and I were even able to go for a jog!
We went to brunch at FARM with friends (and Ethan!) for the first time in 2 1/2 years! I wanted to get a group photo but one of our friends left in a hurry and I didn’t want her to be left out. I did wear actual clothes (vs. sweats..) and make-up, though!
After brunch, we went shopping at Gather, where Patton was very happy to be somewhere besides home or school.
And I got a pair of earrings that are so next-level that I’m pretty sure you’ll barely notice that I’m bald! 😆
Speaking of baldness…I’m just going bald in public now, unless I’m cold or around my grandma. I kept it covered before, but I figure if I have to deal with cancer treatments then everyone else can deal with my bald head. I had an acquaintance (someone relayed to Patton’s medical stuff) go on and on about how great it looks, and how I can “totally pull it off”. It’s fine when friends or family are supportive and considerate of the fact that some cancer patients are self-conscious, but I found this interaction to be extremely irritating. I did not want or choose to be bald. I’m not pulling anything off, I’m just accepting the hand I’ve been dealt. I don’t think it looks great, but how it looks is irrelevant, because it’s just how things are.
It is kind of a bummer to be starting radiation after just getting back to something that felt mostly “normal”- not just from the cancer, but from the whole pandemic, since my diagnosis and treatment overlapped the “end” of it. (I’ve now had my second booster, by the way, since people currently in treatment are eligible. I had no side effects.) I hope that these 6+ weeks go by quickly and with minimal issues, but time will tell. My radiation tech is a Mike Patton fan, so that helps. 😉
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