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I’m currently on day 4 of my first cycle of AC chemo. There will be 4 cycles of AC, followed by 4 cycles of T. Each cycle lasts 2 weeks, which includes some time for recovery between each one. Many people say that about the time they feel “normal” again it’s time for the next cycle.
I pretty much felt fine the day of my infusion (day 1). I did pretty well days 2 and 3, also. I have a very specific regimen of meds that includes an assortment of stomach oriented drugs, steroids, Claritin, and pain meds. The pain from the port surgery has, for the most part, been more disruptive than the chemo side effects. Staying on top of the meds is kind of complicated, but seems to be worth it.
I have put a lot of effort into continuing to exercise. I don’t have the energy for an actual workout, but I’ve gotten my 10,000 steps per day so I’m getting some activity, at least. I’ve also forced myself to drink lots and lots (and lots) of fluids. My diet consists of anything and everything that happens to sound good, which was the oncology pharmacist’s strict orders. 😋
I feel very tired. I’ve had some headaches. I have some nausea/stomach upset, but haven’t been actually sick. Today was my hardest day, so far. I suspect that tomorrow will be worse because today is my last day of steroids for this cycle. I think they’ve been helping me keep both my appetite and my energy up a little, so I’m a little worried about what will happen when I stop them.
That said, I’m feeling pretty lucky. I don’t want to imply that I feel *good*… but I expected something much worse. This is pretty much on par with a low level flu- at least so far. I have not spiked a fever, had any of the dangerous side effects listed, and have not (as of yet) had terrible bone pain from the neulasta. I took people seriously when they said keep moving and stay as hydrated as possible, and I think it’s really made a difference in flushing the chemo drugs out of my system faster. And it must have, because I only peed orange (from the “red devil”) once! 😆
I think the next two days will be the real test, but for now, I’m doing ok.
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