Port Placement
I’m too tired to think of a MP related song title, so I’m just going with “Port Placement “- catchy, yeah?
I’m also too tired to write much about it, so I’ll mostly just share some pics. One is a little graphic if incisions bother you, but since I had to actually have it done to my body, I’m going to make any potential squeamishness your problem and responsibility and not mine. 😆
Surgery went well. It was less than an hour. I hated the anesthesia, as always, but the incisions are no big deal- at least not yet. I do have a “catch” in my neck above the incisions, and it’s significantly more uncomfortable. In fact, I can’t GET comfortable! No position really helps. I very much hope it goes away over time.
I was supposed to get some numbing cream since my chemo and labs will be done via direct stick to a brand new incision. Unfortunately, CVS did not have that cream, and I’m allergic to the other option, so… I’m probably just going to have another “fun chemo side effect” until it has healed. I’m trying to remind myself that I am fortunate to have this additional tool to reduce my distal recurrence risk (and I AM!!!), but there’s no denying that I’m filled with dread. That said, imma suck it up and do it anyway!
Chemo starts tomorrow. I’ll try to post about it but, of course, I don’t know how I’ll feel. I’ve gotten 7500 steps so far on a surgery day (mostly AFTER surgery), so I’m hoping that’s a good sign that my body will “tolerate” it and it will at least be “tolerable”.
Anyway, here are some images of what my port looks like and where it goes (it is all internal- no external pieces):
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