As the worm turns


Why no, I DON’T have my Signatera results yet, as a matter of fact!

 “Business day” #8 came and went. I did hear from them, though, and they said:

 - just checking in that the sample still is in progress.  I confirmed that there is no issues with the sample.  It was delayed a little due to the fact that there was a patient identifier discrepancy on one of the blood tubes when rec'd from the clinic - that has since been resolved and should be resulting soon. This is why the result is not yet available, but it is progressing as expected.  

Please note that they are alleging that my oncology nurse did something wrong that caused this delay. She opened the kit that they gave her in front of me, drew my blood, put it back in the kit, sent it to natera’s lab , and Signatera  received it the next day. I checked in Thursday, and was told it would be 5-7 business days from the date of receipt (10/28). I checked in again yesterday, and was told that the results would be ready “any time now”, and was assured that there were no issues with my samples. 

After today’s message I let them know that, golly gee, it surely does sound bad that my oncology nurse made a “patient identifier discrepancy” and asked if I should call the hospital- after all, they are responsible for ALL of my labs!! If they are messing up like this it should be brought to their attention!


Signatera then clarified that, oh, no, I don’t need to do that! It’s not a big deal! A “patient discrepancy” can mean lots of things and, well, they weren’t exactly sure what the discrepancy was… but it’s all fixed now and it’s a totally normal thing that happens. 


So yeah, I don’t know what is actually going on. I suspect that someone has gotten the results but they are making sure all of their i’s are dotted and t’s crossed. If the test is negative, then the “no false positives/low numbers don’t matter” thing is a problem. If it’s positive, then the ethical reason that many oncologists are opposed to this is reinforced. I am problematic, either way. I assume I’ve been discussed around a very expensive table, but I can’t really know for sure, and probably never will.

So… results maybe tomorrow, I guess?
