Cuckoo for caca


Ok, you guys remember how I started this week in a really great place? Well, my positive attitude is disappearing by the second.

Today started with poopocalypse ‘22, which consumed most of my day. My poor, elderly, long-haired cat, who I DID shave last week, does not love getting her hair cut. She lets me do it, and she loves it after she’s free of the matted fur, but it’s stressful for all involved and I do it in stages. Unfortunately, I started with her tummy, which was a matted mess and seemed like the right thing to do. But I was wrong. I was so, so wrong. I should have started with her butt, because very, very, VERY bad things happened today. Actually, it started sometime last night because I did notice that she smelled bad, but, due to the long hair, I did not immediately spot the problem. 

She then had free reign to sit, wipe, and slide all over the house and furniture while we were sleeping, and she did. This morning, once I (very quickly) realized what was up, I spent the entire day chasing her around, washing surfaces, scrubbing furniture,  trying to wash her, trying to shave her backside (I failed) and then starting the process all over again because the situation continued to escalate with every trip to the litter box. 

I had a lot of things that I needed to get done today, but most of that went out the window, because…poop. Everywhere, all the time, poop. And while all of this sounds somewhat entertaining (and also disgusting) it was actually pretty stressful. So, you can probably imagine how thrilled I am that I STILL do not have my goddamn Signatera results. 

Angrier, and angrier, and angrier.

(That last smiley face nearly sent me into a full blown rage spiral…)

So, still no update, yippee! 🫤
