Carry Stress in the Jaw


I had my post-op appointment today. I had no choice but to remove the surgical bra and face all of the changes. It was difficult and shocking, but aside from all of the weird lumpiness, it was ok. There wasn’t any scary oozing, bleeding, scarring, etc. The plastic surgeon was very happy with my healing. He removed two of my drains, and I might get to have the other two out as early as Friday! I can shower and wash my hair, and in another week I can sleep on my side. I can increase my range of motion exercises, I just can’t lift weight or push hard, etc.

I’m going to share a picture below. If you can’t handle it, quit scrolling now…

The skin at the top of each breast is sunken, lumpy, and in some places wrinkled. This is because the tissue expanders were only filled a small amount at the time of surgery. The “rolled up” skin on the outside edges is there by design. That will help keep everything snug so that I’m less prone to infection sneaking into a “pocket”. As the expanders are filled, all of this will fill out- it will just take a while. I would be able to have some done next week, but I can’t because of the port surgery. So, my first “fill” will be in two weeks, and will be 60-120 ml of saline. I am hoping to do smaller increments so it will be easier for my neck, back, and shoulders to adjust to the extra weight. Saline will be much heavier than breast tissue was (and than the silicone will be), so I feel like I need to be mindful of that rather than in a hurry to make it look better.

My stomach has been better today, and honestly, I think the tight lower band of the surgical bra may have been part of the reason I couldn’t get it under control! I’m hopeful that it’s better now, but it’s too soon to be sure. Regardless, I ate 2 actual meals today, which is more exciting than you know!

I am still awaiting the final pathology report, and that is terrifying. I should have the results tomorrow or Friday. That is the driving force behind my current anxiety, but I’m hopeful that the abundance of imaging I’ve already had will make it so that there aren’t any more surprises. 

I’ve been in contact with an online therapist who hopes to meet with me soon, and my counselor through the Olcott Center is researching coping strategies for extreme anxiety ahead of our next session. I also have a reiki session scheduled for next week through the Olcott Center, and am increasing the dose of the one non-habit forming anti-anxiety med I’m on. I refuse to up the dose on the others, but I think a higher dose of this one will be helpful.

Fingers crossed for a good path report…🤞🤞🤞
