You may wonder why I’m jumping straight to the notion that this lump is really bad. A diagnostic mammogram showed no abnormalities just a few months ago. Maybe it’s not even a lump! Maybe it’s a knot, or a varicose vein- I do have one of those in my leg that feels like a lump! Maybe it’s just a harmless cyst! And yeah, maybe it is something like that! But…I haven’t told you about the “bites”.
In the middle of July, I got two weird bug bites on my right breast. They were really, REALLY itchy. They were fairly close together, and kind of in a straight line. Anti-itch treatments didn’t help at all. I’d never had bites like these- in fact, they were so odd that I took a picture! I told my husband that it must have been a spider.
The day after I discovered the lump, I remembered the “bites”, and decided to consult Doctor Google. I didn’t really think anything would come up… but I was wrong. And the more I read, the more alarmed I became, because other women also described “weird bites” or “spider bites”, but they weren’t bites at all:
The lump is in a perfect line with the “bites”, which seems like it would be a hell of a coincidence if all of this is nothing. The bites PLUS the lump point to there being cause for alarm, in my opinion. On the bright side, though, those are the only symptoms I’ve had.